Marisa Fonterrada
Professor of Music Education at UNESP (São Paulo State University, Brazil). She holds a doctorate in anthropology (with an extended stay at McGill University, Canada) and a masters in the psychology of education, both earned at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP). Her undergraduate was in music, which she completed at the Music Institute of São Paulo. During her studies, she was the recipient of scholarships from the Brazilian Government and the Canadian Embassy in Brazil (1989), earning the General Governor Award, by the Canadian Embassy in Brazil in 1993. She has directed the Municipal School of Music in São Paulo (1977-1985) and UNESP’s Arts Institute (2000-2004). She has been in charge of the creation and implementation of the Municipal School of Artistic Initiation (EMIA, 1981) and of the Technical School of Arts, Centro Paula Souza, of the São Paulo State Government (2008-2009). Profa. Fontarreda is the author of numerous books, book chapters and articles about Music, Music Education and Acoustic Ecology and translated four of R. Murray Schafer’s books from English into Portuguese. She is a Honorary Member of FLADEM – Latin American Forum of Music Education, WFAE – The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, ABEM - the Brazilian Association for Music Education and WP – The Wolf Project, in Canada, (a group dedicated to live the ecological experience of artistic work by Murray Schafer: “… And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon…). She is coordinator of the Project Music Education through Voice and conductor of CantorIA, a children and Youth Choir (1989-2013)/IA–UNESP. Since 1997, she coordinates the Research Group in Music Education – G-pem/IA-UNESP.