October 28
🇦🇷 🇧🇷 GMT-3 2:00 to 5:00 pm | 🇪🇺 GMT+2/CET 7:00 to 10:00 pm
Antoine Freychet & Alejandro Reyna
Morphology and Representation : Ecologies of Listening in La Selva (Francisco López, 1998)
Our contribution will focus on the ways in which Francisco López, in his work La Selva (1998) and in the manifesto-writings that surround it, plays on the tension that exists between sound listened to for itself (its internal dynamics and properties) and sound as it refers back to (a place, a lived experience) and evoques (produces images, sensation, atmospheres, that reach beyond sound in itself).
Taking on a detailed analysis of La Selva, we explore the links that may be established between the morphological dynamics and the representational dynamics of listening that the work brings forth. We insist, finally, on the ecological dimension - where ecological concerns the web of relationships that exist between a subject and its surroundings, environmental, but also social and mental - of Francisco Lopéz’s proposal that engages an active and complex listening.
video of the seminar in english vidéo du séminaire en français
Lukas Kühne
Sensibilization of Listening - Soundscape
Perception is at the basis of any information, whose potential is appreciated jointly and collaboratively through all the senses.
In this way, through the development of subtle sensory abilities, sound perception is explored and oriented, leading the artist-researcher to experience the environment. Investigating the properties of acoustic ecology is essential, since it is from the perception of the environment, and through conscious listening that, as a consequence, the understanding of the use of sound as a material is nurtured.
The practice of conscious listening makes an excellent contribution to the well-being of society, the importance of which should never be underestimated. Likewise, it contributes to the sensibilization of collective intelligence, which is cardinal given that the interrelation of the senses and human perception produce decisions and actions in social contexts.
video of the seminar in english vidéo du séminaire en français
Alejandro Reyna (UNL, Argentina)
Antoine Freychet (Paris8, France)
Lukas Kühne (UDELAR, Uruguay)
Andrea Cohen (Radio France, France/Argentina)
Carla Delgado de Souza (UEL, Brasil)
Stéphan Schaub (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Adriana Lopes Moreira (USP, Brasil)
Andre Luiz Gonçalves de Oliveira (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Damián Kees (UNL, Argentina)
Denise Garcia (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Diego Makedonsky (UNTREF, Argentina)
Gabriel Gendin (UNN, Argentina)
Gonzalo Biffarella (Argentina)
Hildegard Westerkamp (Vancouver, Canada)
Janete El Haouli (UNICAMP, Brasil)
José Augusto Mannis (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Jose Manuel Berenguer (UB, España)
Jônatas Manzolli (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Marisa Fonterrada (UNESP, Brasil)
Paula Molinari (UFMA, Brasil)
Pierre Mariétan (RAME, Suisse)
Regina Porto (UNICAMP, Brasil)
Rodolfo Caesar (UFRJ, Brasil)